Apply To Work With Us The Assesment This form helps us understand if we can help you - or not - with your business. If we can help, we'll tell you. If not, we'll point you in the next direction. Step 1 of 4 25% Contact InformationHelp us get in touch with you.Name First Last Email Phone/Skype Don't worry, no spam. Best way to contact you? Emall Zoom Phone Text How do you like being contacted? How Your Business Could BeTell us who you help and what you help them do:Example: We help mid-market businesses save money on IT. We help agencies close more deals. etc.In a few lines, tell us what you dream of when you think about your business? Dream big.You can think about this in terms of revenue, profit, or freedom or some combination.What is your dream revenue for this coming year? Think big!How many hours do you want to work per week? Imagine your dream life; there's no wrong answer. Some people like to work a lot, others might not.Compared to other companies, what is your pricing like? We charge more than others We are priced right with the market We charge less than others- we are price leaders. I don't know! It's perfectly fine if you don't know.This year, do you want to: Increase the number of clients we serve, even if it means a larger team? Stay the same, but increase profits. Serve fewer clients if we can do it more profitably. About Your BusinessWe'd like to know what's happening in the last 3 months in your business. Unless you're truly seasonal, we'd encourage you to consider that number your reality.What is your current AVERAGE sale over the last three months? What is the highest priced sale? What is the lowest? What has been your monthly revenue? How many NEW clients did you take in? How many clients DID you serve? How many clients can you work with at a time? What is your average margin? 0-20% 20-30% 30-40% I don't know. We know "it depends" but we want to look at your margins to understand your business better.About Your Sales OperationsLet's figure out what's happening NOW not in some fantasy-future.Do you use a CRM? Yes! I'm in there every day! Sometimes. I have one, but I barely use it. I use spreadsheets and stuff? What's a CRM? A CRM manages customer relationships at scale.What CRM do you currently use? (Or spreadsheets)How do your clients pay you? By Invoicing Online / Credit Card Other How do your clients agree to do business with you? Via Email We send out quotes. We send out proposals/contracts Handshake and a Prayer We want to know how your current clients are doing business with you.What invoicing/accounting software do you use? Qucikbooks Wave Stripe Square Xero PayPal Harvest Other (List below) What are you using for invoicing? Where you're at right now:We want to know where you are at right now with regards to what you have to change.Are you willing to change some of your business? Yes! I know I need to change! Maybe. I'd have to be pretty sure it would worked. I'm willing to make some tweaks but not major changes Tell us where you're at right now: I absolutely want to work with you! Sign me up! I'm interested, but I need to know more Now is not a good time